Fans of the 30 Days of Night movie and graphic novel series have a chance to scream again, this time because they won in the ultimate 30 Days of Night DVD Release Sweepstakes. The 30 Days of Night DVD Release Sweepstakes at www.ISawItIn.Com gives fans a chance to win cool prizes including original theatrical release posters, unused tickets from the 2007 premiere, the Scriptbook, comic books signed by the creators; Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith, the DVD and more. Contest starts February 9th, ends February 26th.
ISAWITIN.COM is the place to go to buy the clothes and products you saw in a movie. The website focuses on the consumer side of the film product placement and wardrobe cycle by providing information on what designer or brand clothing and items you saw in a movie and where you can buy them. Some of its most popular items include clothes and accessories you saw in 27 DRESSES, P.S. I LOVE YOU, DISTURBIA, SUPERBAD AND SYDNEY WHITE. More information can be found at