Thursday, February 28, 2008

Katherine Heigl Jewelry

Did you see Katherine Heigl's earrings in 27 Dresses. She wore a few different earrings in the movie. We liked the drop earrings and especially liked the gold starfish earrings Katherine Heigl wore. So we went searching for them and found not only the actual designer of those earrings and info on how to buy a pair for yourself but also a few other inspired styles that may meet your needs. So click here to head on over to section with movie clothes and jewelry from 27 Dresses and see those gold fish earrings and a few other items you may like...Tess' Grey Cardigan, those great floral tops Katherine Heigl wore, even info on Tess' proposal and engagement party dresses.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Jacket in Jumper

Did you see the movie Jumper? Did you see all the great jackets? Jump on over via this link and get the information on Hayden Christensen's jacket in Jumper. That great military inspired jacket with the pockets. Plus, soon information on Johnny Depp's coat in the movie Sweeny Todd.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Where can I buy Kate Hudson's sunglasses from Fool's Gold?

Ah, we heard this question a few times...some of our regular visitors to sent us emails, Google Search sent us visitors looking for these, and now we think our Alexa ranking is going to get better when everyone starts coming to the site to find and buy Kate Hudson's sunglasses. So, you want to know who designed them and where you can find them? Well, you will have to click here and go visit our shopping site to get that info...but as my sons would say "Give us a hint" the sunglasses Kate Hudson wore in Fool's Gold are from a designer you have seen on plenty of celebrities...(ok, now a good enough you sound like my sons...) Here you go...Brad Pitt's Sunglasses in Ocean's 13 were also from this designer. So head on over to the site and buy yourself a pair of Kate Hudson sunglasses at our Fool's Gold store.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Charlie Bartlett Irreverent?

Is Charlie Bartlett Irreverent? Well, some of the shirts seemed to be and maybe that was what the filmakers were using to get their point across. We saw the shirts and got the goods on Anton Yelchin's t-shirts in the movie. We have started to add them to our shopping area...that crazy jack in the box shirt and the black shirt with the cigar and gangsta hands (what we call Anton Yelchin's Gangsta Hands TShirt) have hit our site. Next up is the scribbly line circle shirt, info on the sunglasses from the movie Charlie Bartlett and who knows what else we will find.....

Friday, February 22, 2008

Hilary Swank's Coat at Yankee Stadium in PS I Love You.

Wow, this coat was popular. Men, Women, Children...everyone was asking about the plaid coat Hilary Swank wore in the scenes with Daniel. Yes, we got emails and postings and forum discussions and Yahoo! Answers sent to us asking about this coat. Men wanted to buy it for Valentines day, ultimatums were handed to them and we just kept looking. Finally we got informatin on the designer of Hilary Swank's coat at Yankee stadium. Yes, the variously described plaid coat with the hood. The one we all want and info is now in our main PS I Love You shopping area. But, the coat can not be found..the designer is known and there are some similiar styles posted in our store also but finding it in large quantities where everyone can purchase their own has been described as not possible..but there are always outlets, ebay, sales racks..since you now will know the designer. Get the info here

Forget me not

Our poor little blog. How could we have forgot about it. Seems our folks in PR sent out a press release about the 30 Days of Night Contest. You know the contest, the one where you can win the 30 Days of Night DVD, signed graphic novels from Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith, the creators on 30 Days of Night, movie memorabilia like the lobby poster and tickets from the Hollywood Premiere. Well, we forgot to add it to the blog and get it in your hands. You probably saw it covered elsewhere on other websites and in the news. I know an article ran on the popular website and there has been buzz on Facebook and other sites about it. So here it is...the press release..finally added to our blog (and click on over to site to enter your chance to win these great prizes).

Release DateFebruary 20, 2008

Scream Again, Win Cool Prizes - 30 Days of Night DVD Sweepstakes

-->San Diego, CA (February 8, 2008)- Fans of the 30 Days of Night movie and graphic novel series have a chance to scream again, this time because they won in the ultimate 30 Days of Night DVD Release Sweepstakes.The 30 Days of Night DVD Release Sweepstakes at www.ISawItIn.Com gives fans a chance to win cool prizes including original theatrical release posters, unused tickets from the 2007 premiere, the Scriptbook, comic books signed by the creators; Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith, the DVD and more. Contest starts February 9th, ends February 26th.

ABOUT ISAWITIN.COMISAWITIN.COM is the place to go to buy the clothes and products you saw in a movie. The website focuses on the consumer side of the film product placement and wardrobe cycle by providing information on what designer or brand clothing and items you saw in a movie and where you can buy them. Some of its most popular items include clothes and accessories you saw in 27 DRESSES, P.S. I LOVE YOU, DISTURBIA, SUPERBAD AND SYDNEY WHITE. More information can be found at

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Waiting is the hardest part

Just like Tom Petty told us; "The Waiting is the hardest part". And yes sometimes it seems like that is what we are doing...waiting. Recently we got some good info on the coat Hilary Swank wore at Yankee Stadium and also the black trench coat she wore in the scenes in Ireland in PS I Love You. So, off we go to our contacts to confirm. But between busy schedules, time zone differences etc sometimes we wait for the confirmation about the clothes we saw in a movie, which means sometimes you wait too! But, we have always been the site you come to for accurate information on the clothes you saw a movie, no reason to change that. So hang tight, the info is coming and in the meantime go visit our site and get your fashion fix by checking out the clothes Eva Longoria's movie, Over Her Dead Body and check out our other celebrity style and movie start clothing.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wear that...Over Her Dead Body

Hey all...our friends over at sent us this fashion review for Over Her Dead Body. Those divas over at FFD really love our site and have sent us some nice emails and complements. Check out their blog.

The clothes and dresses worn by Eva Longoria (Kate) in Over Her Dead Body are mostly white as you can imagine, but they also look as though they’re designer name brand garments, which fits in perfectly with the attitude of her character. Even though Eva Longoria’s character is dead, and won’t get the chance to walk down the aisle, she is a vision in white. The drastic white tones compliment Eva Longoria’s beautifully bronzed skin, a look not every woman can pull off, but she does with such poise. She doesn’t let her white dresses and clothes overwhelm her petite frame, she doesn’t have time, some new chick has got eyes for her man, and she lets it be known as she stomps her white peep-toe pumps, that she’s not going anywhere!
The clothes worn by Lake Bell in Over Her Dead Body are fun and flirtatious, at the same time strong and confident. In the movie Over Her Dead Body Lake Bell, as Ashley is a down to earth urban girl with a flare for wild colors. For example, some of the outfits she wears, you wouldn’t think go together if you saw them in a department store, but she’s so independent and gutsy that she pulls it off without a hitch. My favorite outfit in Over Her Dead Body is where she wears this blue accented dress with olive green Ked’s on a date with Henry at the pier, it looks so nice on her, and really brings out the green in her eyes. Yes, did you see those comfy shoes I think they were the same as Lake Bell's Shoes when she meets Henry. This outfit from Over Her Dead Body is so casual and comfy, as she cozies up to Paul Rudd’s character (Henry). Lake Bell wears some really fun tops too and a few other dresses like Lake Bell's Dress When She Meets Henry that I am sure a few of you will want to buy. Now lets talk about Henry... the poor guy is so heartbroken by the death of his fiancée that his mood reflects in his clothing. He is clean shaven, but his style is a bit too simple and homely. Although he has always been known to be a down to Earth kind of guy, he doesn’t really want to be in the spotlight, but hey, the fact that he’s shy, makes him all the more appealing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Drew Barrymore's Skirt, Top and more

You know you loved 50 First Dates. What you didn't see it. While take some time, rent the DVD and watch this movie with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler. It is funny and they are as good as they were in The Wedding Singer....what you didn't see that! Ok, check out the clothes from the movie, even if you didn't see you must have seen Drew Barrymore's Skirt or a few of Adam Sandler's cool island shirts in the trailer or the movie poster. didn't see those. Ok, lets fix that right here and go see the skirts, jeans and tops from 50 First yourself a few, or some of our inspired styles, then sit back and get on island time.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Clothes from Over Her Dead Body

Names like Calvin Klein, Free People, Keds, AG, Ella Moss. Think you saw those in the movie Over Her Dead Body. Eva Longoria wore lots of white as her celebrity style in the movie, most of it MTO but some of it designer. Lake Bell's movie start clothes are a different story and between that big leather bag she carried and the dress when she first meets Henry I was hooked and had to back and see Over Her Dead Body again. So check out what we have and ask us about other clothes from the movie that you are interested in. Click here and get the scoop.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Vampires, Collectors, Movie Fans, Comic Book Readers, Graphic Novel buyers and Museum Curators head to the same place

How does it happen that one place could attract the variety of people does? Well, we all love a good movie; regardless of genre, era, style, movie actor, movie costume, movie review or any other item that draws us to go to the theatre, rent the DVD, download the film or purchase it on pay-per-view. So no surprise that our 30 Days of Night DVD Release Sweepstakes would garner such a large and diverse response. The contest has only been active a few days and already the entry forms have been steadily coming in. But why not, the chance to win signed books, Hollywood Movie Memorabilia, the Scriptbook from 30 Days of Night and more is quite the lure. So come on by and enter this online contest and browse the clothes from 30 Days of Night; maybe even buy the clothes you saw in the movie, like Melissa George's Red Parka, Danny Houston's Shoes or Josh Hartnett's Sheriff's Coat .
And of course check out where to buy other items you saw in a movie like; Gerard Butler's Leather Bracelet you saw in PS I Love You or Hilary Swank's Red Plaid Dress. Maybe its Hilary Swank's White Trench Coat that you want to buy or clothes from a movie like The Holiday, The Nanny Diaries or Disturbia, its here for you in one place to find and buy the clothes you saw in a movie.

I'm still waiting

Yes, we are still waiting for our Cloverfield Slusho shirt. We ordered it from a site purported to be "official". We figured of the clothes from Cloverfield this shirt and the gold sequined dress Beth wore would be popular. Yes, Odette Yustman's Gold Dress is stunnng and so is another dress that looks very similiar to the movie costume you saw in Cloverfied; the dress Tess wears when she meets George in 27 Dresses. But, alas no Slusho shirt yet and we thought it would go well with our other movie t-shirts; Seth Rogen's Pinata shirt from Knocked Up, Justin Timberlake's Grave Diggers T-Shirt from Alpha Dog, and of course our Superbad Cowboy Shirt. But until we get it we just have to settle for wearing these. So, stay tuned because when it does show up we will update our shopping site so you can get your very own Slusho Shirt at

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Scream Again and Win Cool Prizes – 30 Days of Night DVD Release Sweepstakes

Fans of the 30 Days of Night movie and graphic novel series have a chance to scream again, this time because they won in the ultimate 30 Days of Night DVD Release Sweepstakes. The 30 Days of Night DVD Release Sweepstakes at www.ISawItIn.Com gives fans a chance to win cool prizes including original theatrical release posters, unused tickets from the 2007 premiere, the Scriptbook, comic books signed by the creators; Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith, the DVD and more. Contest starts February 9th, ends February 26th.

ISAWITIN.COM is the place to go to buy the clothes and products you saw in a movie. The website focuses on the consumer side of the film product placement and wardrobe cycle by providing information on what designer or brand clothing and items you saw in a movie and where you can buy them. Some of its most popular items include clothes and accessories you saw in 27 DRESSES, P.S. I LOVE YOU, DISTURBIA, SUPERBAD AND SYDNEY WHITE. More information can be found at

Click the banner to enter

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Dress Like a Star

We just can't stand it when we don't find the exact item or when the style is from a past season and is no longer available. This is typical for the movies, since a movie usually completes filming about 6 months before we ever see it on the silver screen and of course by then the clothes from the movie are from fashion season's past. So, every so often we go back and see if we can find some inspired styles...because lets admit it most of the stuff we like, we like and we want to wear. So we have updated some of the movie star clothing on our site including Mandy Moore's polka dot dress in Because I Said So, Neville's Leather Jacket in I am Legend and Hilary Swank's Red Plaid Dress in P.S. I Love You. So come check it out and get shopping for celebrity style and clothing from the movies.

Some Clothes have Found Us

Some clothes from the movie Cloverfield have found us. Yes, we thought watching Cloverfield, the shaky cam and being scared would be hard to confirm clothing from the movie. It did and didn't. Our spotters still caught that great purse in the opening scene and of course some outfits just stood out Odette Yustman's Gold Dress, Marlena's jeans and tops, The Slusho Shirt and more. We have added these to our Cloverfield Store so that you can see who designed the clothes from Cloverfield and where you can buy your own.

CLICK HERE TO Start Shopping the Clothes from Cloverfield NOW!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hilary Swank's Red and Black Plaid Dress - we know who designed it

and we are happy to share it with you and all our readers. Pop over to the shopping site, check out the pictures of the dress, get the deets on the designer and materials and tell us we did good! Of course, a 2006 style is hard to find..but we bet some of you out there will find where to buy it...and when you do find that black and plaid dress from P.S. I Love You, come back and share the info so others can buy it too!

Buy Clothes from 27 Dresses

Not a bad weekend! We added a few more of the clothes you saw in 27 Dresses. As always we give you info on the designer and where to buy the actual item or an inspired style. So check out the site and get your info on the dress Tess wore when George proposed to her and tops Katherine Heigl wore in the office and Tess' top in Central Park.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

30 Days of Night DVD Release Sweepstakes

The 30 Days of Night DVD Release contest starts soon. Win great prizes; posters, scriptbooks, signed copies of the books from the 30 Days of Night series and of course the 30 Days of Night DVD startting Josh Harnett and Melissa George. Come by the 30 Days of Night movie clothing store and find and buy the clothes from the movie. Get your own celebrity style at